Q300 Lower Division (K-4)
28-37 29th St, Astoria, NY 11102
Our after school classes offer a wide range of activities alongside chess. Students will be able to explore emerging technologies and hone their problem-solving skills through the groundbreaking Chess and Robotics class. Art promotes a creative way of thinking which will complement the individuality of each student’s chess play style in our Chess and Arts & Crafts class. Lastly, students will be able to benefit from the logical reasoning and pattern recognition that comes from the intersection between Chess and Math & Critical Thinking.
* Please fill out the form at checkout to indicate the level at chess. The participants will be grouped and divided based on their levels (the coaches will also do an assessment to ensure the participants are in their appropriate group) and whenever the kids are ready to be "promoted", we will automatically move them up to the next level.
Monday - Chess, Visual Arts
Tuesday - Chess, Web Development & Coding
Wednesday - Chess, Robotics
Thursday - Chess, Architecture for kids
Friday - Chess, Crafting
5:00 PM - 1st Pick-up window
5:30 PM - 2nd Pick-up window
Earlier than 5:00 PM - by request. No pick-up between 5:05 - 5:25 PM
Late Pick-up Policy: A 15-minute grace period will be provided, allowing for extended dismissal until 5:45 PM. A late pick-up fee of $25 will be charged for the first 15 minutes after the scheduled pick-up time. For every additional minute after the initial 15 minutes, an additional $1 per minute will be charged. This fee is payable directly to the instructor on the day of the late pick-up.
5% sibling discount for the second and subsequent child - automatically applied in the registration
Multiple Session Discount
2 sessions/week - 3% Discount
3 sessions/week - 5% Discount
4 sessions/week - 8% Discount
5 sessions/week - 10% Discount
Payment plan options are available in the registration form
2% Discount on Cash or Check Payments
The New York Chess Academy afterschool program is committed to providing a safe, respectful, and enriching environment for all participants. To maintain this standard, we have established a three-strike policy to address instances of misbehavior. This policy is aligned with New York City guidelines for youth programs.
Strike 1: Verbal Warning
Strike 2: Written Warning and Meeting
Strike 3: Suspension or Expulsion
By enrolling in the program, you agree to adhere to the policy. Please review the complete program behavior policy
Program Information and Registration
♙ Monday - Chess, Visual Arts
- Students will engage with different artistic activities and media in this session, including designing and painting. Combining this with chess will help the students develop their creative thinking, spatial reasoning, and advance planning, as well as learning to express their individual style.
Limited to 25 students

Cycle 1: September 9, 2024 - January 27, 2025
2:10 PM - 5:30 PM
Cycle 1 Session Dates:
September 9, 16, 23, 30
October 7, 21, 28
November 4, 18, 25
December 2, 9, 16, 23
January 6, 13, 27
No Chess Days:
October 14 - Columbus Day
November 11 - Veterans Day
December 30 - Winter Break
January 20 - MLK Day
$663/full program (17 sessions)
See above for available discounts
Khatia Abramidze
Patricia Mowatt
*Number of coaches will be adjusted based on the number of students

Cycle 2: February 3 - June 16, 2025
2:10 PM - 5:30 PM
Cycle 2 Session Dates:
February 3, 10, 24
March 3, 10, 17, 24
April 7, 21, 28
May 5, 12, 19
June 2, 9, 16
No Chess Days:
February 17 - Mid-winter Break
March 31 - Eid al-Fitr
April 14 - Spring Break
May 26 - Memorial Day
$624/full program (16 sessions)
See above for available discounts
Khatia Abramidze
Patricia Mowatt
*Number of coaches will be adjusted based on the number of students
New York Chess Academy & Q300
Situated in Queens, Q300 is a school that has a truly modern approach to education. It places students at the forefront, prioritizing their development into problem-solving and inquisitive global citizens. The school instills in students values of responsibility and camaraderie by working closely with the local community.
Q300’s principles align perfectly with those of NYCA. Working together, the two institutions strive to make the world a better and more educated place. By teaching students flexible and transferable life skills NYCA and Q300 want to prepare students for every eventuality of life.